vocational training centre


The aims are to achieve sustainable agriculture, food security, a higher family income, less manual labor and better hygiene through education.


  • 1997. long before jos and frieda are on the ground. foundation by stephen mubiru and friends of a local cooperative: ‘namwendwa farmers cooperation’. the cooperative aims to improve the quality of life in the district through structural changes.
  • 2007. jos and frieda put their backs into two aspects of this cooperative: (1) the development of their vocational training centre or vtc. Stephen wants to train young women and men here with a focus on ecology and sustainability in agriculture. (2) the expansion of the existing tourism project with a focus on responsible and respectful treatment of people and the environment.
  • 2008. joint purchase of 100 hectares of agricultural land. proceeds finance expansion of vtc.
  • following years: construction of practical units for cows, goats, pigs. construction of water reservoir. workshops by local community facilitators in surrounding villages. gender equality workshops. completion of existing classroom infrastructure. unfortunately, stephen's temporary absence causes a delay in the full build-out of the vtc.
  • 2018. construction by stephen, with the support of the uganda government, of a dam on the vtc's land. subsequent irrigation project.
  • 2019. stephen is drawing up a new action plan. (more details in: ‘what can you do’).
  • 2020. covid pandemic.
  • 2020. milestone for the vtc. official accreditation for the vocational training centre! purchase of cows, seeds for maize and soya beans. reorganisation of irrigation system. start ‘fishing project’ in dam waters.
  • 2021-2022. the vocational training centre operates completely independently.

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“It is only when the teeth come together that they will crush the bone” (African proverb)